Royal Flush Poker News

[16/04/2023] - [New Season]

After 11 years and 20 seasons Joe & Paul have decided to move on and have left 1st Poker.

The poker will continue under a new name of Royal Flush Poker with new management from Joe March and Brenda Bradley. They hope to expand by adding more venues to ensure a great grand final pot.

The Poker league will continue in the format everyone is firmiliar with, as and when any changes happen everyone will be fully informed. Watch this space.

Royal Flush Poker Team

Local Pub Poker

Simply come down and register on the night at any Royal Flush Poker Game, £5 to play, accumulate league points and qualify for final spaces!

Bigger Club Poker

Playing for higher stakes? We have you covered, we run club games with a larger buy-in, register on the night and play for league position and final places!

Casino Finals

The Grand Final is where you can win the big money, hosted at a Local Grosvenor Casino the final guarantees £1000 Prize money with Trophys!

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